えおラボ ~Eorzea Laboratory ~

FFXIV エオルゼアの世界について考察するための記録・セリフ集と備忘録

5.3-6 黄道航行 / Etched in the Stars




 ■ 星座が刻まれたクリスタルを調べる


A peculiar crystal lies on the floor. Upon its surface, an array of lights twinkle like a tiny constellations of stars...



深紅のクリスタルから響く記憶:「 ……から…………しく……。」

Crimson Crystal  ...day forth...bring honor to the seat of...




The distored voice of an ancient rings out in your mind. A moment preserved in the crystal, it would seem.



You notice something else glinting up ahead.


■ 星座が刻まれたクリスタルを探す



You find three more crystals lying on the floor.Thorough they differ in color and decoration,each is identical in shape.





You focus on the crystals, and find that the words they hold ring clearer than before.


黄金のクリスタルから響く記憶:「 ……見てごらん。地には青々と命が芽吹き、空は風をつれて巡っている。世界は今日も、満ちたりて美しい……。」

Yellow Crystal behold, my friends. Embraced by the earth and caressed by the wind, vibrant life flourishes. All is right in creation.


深緑のクリスタルから響く記憶: 「善き同胞たちのために、我らの叡智を使いましょう。それは大いなる喜び……かけがえのない誇り……。」

Green Crystal There can be no greater joy than to use our wisdom for the good of our people. No greater price. 


銀灰のクリスタルから響く記憶:「 ああ、皆に幸せがあり続けますように……。」

Grey Crystal May all know happiness, now and forevermore.



There do not appear to be any more crystals in the hall. Perhaps it would be wise to continue the serach outside.


■ 星座が刻まれたクリスタルを再度探す



Your instincts serce you true, and you discover another two crystals.





As you reach out with your consciousness, new voices begin th echo in your mind...


萌黄のクリスタルから響く記憶:「 ……空が燃え、恐るべき終末がやってきた。何故……どうして……生命は在ることさえ許されないの……?」

Pale Green Crystal The heavens are ablaze and the land rent asunder. What will become of the world? Is life itself to be denied?



Purple Crystal Come what may, we must not surrender to despair. If we but hold fast to hope, we may yet find a path to salvation.



 The voices tell an incomplete tale. Might more remain to be found?


■ 星座が刻まれたクリスタルをさらに探す



You soon discover two more crystals Rather too soon, in fact, as if someone wanted you to find them...




青藍のクリスタルから響く記憶:「 ……崩れていく……燃えていく……腐り落ちては消えていく。ただ、悲鳴と慟哭だけが響いている……。」

Blue Crystal Everything burns. Crumbles. Decays. I hear the lamentations of my brethren. And soon there will be only silence.



Turquoise Crystal We will deliver our star from its doom, this we swear. So please, dry your tears.



Whatever awaits at the end of your search, it is plain you have yet to find it.


■ 星座が刻まれたクリスタルをもっと探す



Sure enough, your persistence is swiftly rewarded, this time with three crystals.



水縹のクリスタルから響く記憶:「 ……滅びに抗うときがきた。星の理を、我らの意志で敷き直すのだ……。」

Sky Blue Crystal The time is come. We shall rewrite the laws of creation. And we shall save our star. 



Colorless Crystal From this life, Our savior(救世主) born... May I be worthy(~に値する) of the honor.



Pink Crystal I feel my soul turning. Slowly but irrevocably.(取り返しのつかないように) And the power I wield begins to seem terrible... But this is right It is right.



The tale the crystals weave seem to near its end, but it isn't over yet...




With almost melancholy inevitability(避けがたい), the twelfth crystal soon reveals itself to your questing eye.





Scarlet Crystal Thouth salvation is ours, it came at great sacrifice. All that remains is to pray... To pray that we will one day meet again, beneath a blue sky.



Judging by its testimony(証言), it would seem the voice was recorded in the wake of th Final Days.



As you scan the area, another glint catches your eye.



■ 最後のクリスタルを調べる




Gone is the brilliant radiance of life, replaced by the sickly glow of malformed creatures.


あの輝きに満ちた世界は どこに消えた__?

Is this to be how it ends?


こんな結末が 星を愛し そのために生きた我らの終着点か

For we who loved the star with all our being?



No. I will not suffer it to be so.



????「 やあやあ、また会えたね……懐かしく、新しいキミ。」

??? Well, well We meet again, my new old friend. 





  The, uh...receptionist at the Bureau of the Secretariat?


ヒュトロダエウス:「 惜しい、しいて言うなら創造物管理局で働いている人だよ。ここは、ヒュトロダエウスって名乗るほうが適切だろうけど。」


ヒュトロダエウス :「フフ……やっぱりキミは、星を集めてくれたね。」

Heh heh... I see you have been collecting stars.


ヒュトロダエウス:「 その小さなクリスタルのことだよ。ほら、よく見ると、星の並びが刻まれているだろう?」
I speak of those crystals. They have constellations etched upon them, yes? 



High in the heavens, those stars shine their guiding light down upon the lives below. Fitting symbols for the Convocation of Fourteen, would you not agree?



As you will have gathered, each crystal bears an account of the life of a member of the Convocation as remembered by the unsundered(分断されていない/オリジナルの).



Lest you worry, they aren't concepts; they are far too incomplete to be so. But they suffice for imbuing memories within sundered(分断された) souls, that they might be restored to their office.



 Keep them. I am sure Emet-Selch wouldn't mind.


ヒュトロダエウス:「 ……で、最近はどうだい?どうせ、エリディブスと喧嘩をしているんだろう?」

So, how fare you of late? You are feuding with Elidibus this time, I believe?



Hm... I shall refrain from passing comment on your struggle. It is not my place to do so, long-departed as I am.Hm... I shall refrain from passing comment on your struggle. It is not my place to do so, long-departed as I am.Hythlodaeus But if I may give voice to a personal desire...I would rather you lived.



If you do not, how will you keep your promise to Emet-Selch? The promise to remember?It must weigh(熟考する) heavy, the burden(重荷) of all those memories.



To one who has lived a life such as yours, I can well imagine how Elidibus's existence might seem hollow(虚ろな)─how empty his single-minded pursuit(仕事) of a half-forgotten cause must appear...


ヒュトロダエウス: 「だけどね……彼がそんな風になってまで立っているのには、何か理由があったはずなんだ。たとえ、本人すら思い出せなくなっていてもね。さて……零れ落ちてはぐれた星も、キミならまた繋げられるかな?」

But know that his devotion(献身) is not without reason. Even if he himself can no longer remember what that reason is. Well, that is quite enough talk about Elidibus. I would see if you can reunite the wayward(言うことを聞かない) stars.


ヒュトロダエウス:「 ……前にも話したかもしれないけれど、ゾディアーク召喚直前に、十四人委員会を抜けた人がいたんだ。」

I mentioned before that there was a member of the Convocation who opposed Zodiark's summoning and defected(離脱した). One whose office was left vacant...


ヒュトロダエウス:「その人の……第十四の座は、以来ずっと空席のまま。離反した者のことを思い出す必要はないから、記憶のクリスタルも存在していなかった。 ……はずなんだけど。「誰かさん」が、ここにこうして、ひっそり封じ込めていたのさ。」

Defectors having been deemed unworthy of commemoration, no crystal exists for the individual in question....Or shouldn't exist, at any rate─and wouldn't, had a friend not created one in secret.




ヒュトロダエウス:「 忘れられた、その座の名前と……たったひとつ、されどひとつで就いていた人物を物語れる、あの人自身が生み出した術を。」

A crystal bearing the forgotten name of his office, along with a magick of his own conceiving─a singular(並外れた) incantation(呪文) embodying his spirit.


ヒュトロダエウス:「 そもそも第十四の座というのは、変わった役目を持っていてね。世界の今を知り、解決すべき問題があれば、拾い集めるのが仕事だったんだ。」

Among all the offices, the Fourteenth was most unusual. For while the rest sat in Amaurot, its holder was charged with gaining an intimate(個人的な) knowledge of the wider world.



In the course of his duty, he traveled the length and breadth of every land, and befriended countless folk.He encountered troubles too, of course. Matters which he could simply have referred to the Convocation. But that was not his way.



Nay, more often than not, he would call upon his comrades(仲間), and together resolve matters themselves.Such is the magick sealed within that crystal─the magick to summon the stars to your side.



In time of greatest need, should you wish upon it with all your heart, it will surely answer your call.


ヒュトロダエウス:「 ……じゃあ、確かに「返した」からね。」

And now it is where it belongs.



Oh, there is no need for thanks. But nor will I hear any complaints about it either.After all, I cannot say whether I act of my own volition(意志) or by the will of my recreator!


■ ヤ・シュトラと話す




ヤ・シュトラ:「 そう……問題があったわけじゃないなら、いいのだけれど。おかげさまで、荷物は回収できたわ。急いで地上に戻るとしましょうか。」




ヤ・シュトラ:「ねえ、Lusie……。エリディブスがどんな策を用意しているにせよ、彼があの態度を貫くかぎり、戦いは避けられそうもないわ。私だって、仲間や世界が脅かされたら、容赦はしないでしょう。 ……でもね、かつてエメトセルクは、彼を一切信用していなかった私たちに歩み寄り、関係を変えるきっかけを提示してくれた。」




 👈 5.3-5 色あせた記憶

  5.3-7 稀なるつわもの 👉