えおラボ ~Eorzea Laboratory ~

FFXIV エオルゼアの世界について考察するための記録・セリフ集と備忘録

5.3-8 始まりと終わりの光 / Hope's Confluence




水晶公:「 準備は……よさそうだな。よし、結界を解いて、クリスタルタワーの扉を開くとしよう。

水晶公:「 あのとき、って……もしかして、オレが塔を封印したときのことか?」




Not here either. We must keep climbing. 'Twas but a matter of time... I cannot keep up with you. Nor will it avail us to make a stand here. You must go on without me. Find Elidibus, and stop him.



Worry not, my friend. Though I am no warrior, I have learned to hold my own over the years. When first we explored this tower, you and your fellow adventurers formed the van, while I was left to follow in your wake.



Suffice it to say, I was not best pleased with the arrangement. How I wished that I could join you... And now I have, here where it all began.  I was right to trust in you and the power of your legacy─of your name. To let them guide my every deed.



For Elidibus is my name.

その名こそが私のすべてで その名だけが私のしるべだ

And my misson. Guiding my every deed. 




  Why me?


   Did you never consider other paths?



Why you? Why not you? Had I chosen another, we would never have made it this far. Or do I mistake your meaning...?



...Elidibus spoke in similar terms, you say? How curious.  To answer your question, then, I made my choice for reasons which seemed obvious to me, but may not to any other. There were the expectations I placed upon myself before beginning my slumber. And the expectations of those who roused me. 


水晶公:「でも、それは反故にすることもできたはずで……なのにしなかったのは……。オレ、あんたたちと走り回ってた、あの時間が好きだったんだ。 目の前には、何千年と秘められてきた真実が待っていて……困難でも、それを一緒に掴もうとしてくれる仲間がいた。しかもみんな……笑っちゃうほどすごい奴でさ。それまで読んできたどんな英雄譚より、胸が熱くなるんだ。」

Of course, I had the choice to turn my back on the lot of it. But in the end, it was no choice at all. I cherish the time I spent with you and the others. What I wouldn't give to return to those halcyon(穏やかな) days... Chasing ancient secrets, overcoming trial after trial with the aid of like-minded comrades...  And what remarkable comrades they were. In such company, I felt as if I were a character in the epic tales that had stirred my heart as a boy. As if my dream had come true...



It hadn't, of course, for I was no hero. Neither then nor after. Though the world to which I awakened, and the First were beset with myriad problems, I rarely knew how best to play my part. There was, however, one thing of which I was certain: that I could not bear to let those dear to me meet a tragic end.



I'm afraid our time is up. Go. Rest assured you haven't seen the last of me. I wouldn't dream of playing my trump card save in your presence.






Memories of a possible future... Worthless, all. Worthless as memories of the only past. Fated to fray and fade into oblivion. Leaving naught but a gaping void...


エリディブス:「 ……君にはじめて姿を見せたのは、「砂の家」とかいう、君たちの拠点でだったか。闇に依った第七霊災の影響が色濃かったあのころ、急激に活性化したエオルゼアの地には、ともすれば再び闇を激化しかねない問題ばかりが転がっていた。」

The Waking...Sands? ...Yes, that was the place. The place I first made myself known to you and yours. The seventh Rejoining had left the realm listing dangerously towards Darkness. And events were unfolding that threatened to push it over the brink.



Thus did I approach you, in my capacity as Emissary, thinking that you would make a useful pawn... But I was wrong, and for my misstep did Lahabrea and Emet-Selch pay the ultimate price. Leaving me the last of the unsundered.



My remaining brethren, fragmented as they are, cannot hope to see our mission to its end. It falls to me alone. Defeat is not an option. I will strike you down. I will resurrect Lord Zodiark. And I will bring back those who sacrificed themselves to call Him forth.



 Though it take a thousand thousand years, upon my honor as Elidibus, Emissary of the Convocation of Fourteen, I will see this done.




But know that his devotion is not without reason. Even if he himself can no longer remember what that reason is.



You worry too much, Elidibus. This dedication to your duty verges on obsession.








  Those who once relied upon you are no more.


  However hard you struggle, you will never bring back the Convocation.



What of it!? I have my mission! I am Elidibus! And it is my duty to steer mankind and the very star upon their true course. This I swore(誓う) to...to someone. 



We spoke, and I swore...what? What did I...?


エリディブス: 「この程度の痛みが、どうした……!お前たち、なりそこないの英雄たちが物語ってきたじゃないか!世界を救うのには、苦しみも、哀しみも伴うのだと!」

This pain, this torment...is nothing! No more than must be suffered to deliver the world from its doom! No more than any of you malformed(不格好な) creatures have known!



 Even should you lose all that is dear to you. Even should it cost you your life... You bear the burden and fight on, kicking and screaming until your last breath is spent!



Voice from Within  Aye, it's true. We've lost much and more. Known unimaginable suffering.


Voice from Within But through it all, we never, ever forgot what was dear to us. And that's what gave us the strength to carry on.




  You're no fight left to fight.


   I will put an end to this.


エリディブス:「いいや、まだ……終わりになど、するものか……ッ!応えよ、あまねく世界の英雄たち……!運命に憤り、救いのために武器を取りし者たちよ! 我が行く道の先に待つは、悲しみなき世界。さあ祈り、願え、我らがすべてを救わんと……!」

No! NO! It will not end here!  Champions from beyond the rift, heed my call! The time is come to deliver your brethren from darkness! My heart's sole desire is a world free of sorrow. Join with me now in hope and prayer...for the salvation of all!


エリディブス:「お前が終わりをもたらさんとするなら、私はそれに抗おう。 みじめにも、無様にも、なお戦い続けんとした、なりそこないの英雄たち……ウォーリア・オブ・ライトの名を以って!」

If you would usher in the end, then with my all shall I oppose you......As the avatar of those mortal heroes who fought unfalteringly, in all their imperfection! As the Warrior of Light incarnate(具体化した)!



Come, Warrior of Darkness! Let us finish this!


命のかぎり歩み 地上の星々を繋がんとした

Herein I commit the chronicle of the traveler.


Shepherd (指導者) to the stars In the dark. 


お前が手繰れば 運命は集うだろう

Though the world be sundered(分断) and our souls set adrift(漂流している),

たとえ今は天地に隔たれ 心隔たれていようとも

where you walk,my dearest friend, fate shall surely follow.


第十四の座__その名を アゼム

For yours is the Fourteenth seat __ the seat of Azem.





 An invocation of eld...though not of Hydaelyn's making... What are you? No─it matters not! You are the enemy, and you will fall! Even should it cost me everything, I will not forsake my duty!


我が役目 救うべき世界のために お前を討つ__

 For my people__for our world, I will strike you down.



ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 願いよ、力とならん!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 立ち塞がるもの、すべてを断つ!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 冴えよ、未来を拓かんがため!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 押し切れないか。だが、この身に集めた力があれば……!」


ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 次元の狭間に浮かびし、我らが「果て」へ!アブソリュートテレポ!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 アシエンが追いやられたその場所で、代わりに朽ちるがいい……!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 拘束を解いたとて、戻る道はない。二度と帰れはしないのだ……どこにも……。」


__Lusie Karenは願いを込めて



ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 決着か……終わりは静かなものだ……。」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 そんな……君が……何故……!」


ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 ……さあ集え、「光の戦士」たちよ!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 窮すれど敗せず、我こそが第一の「救い」……最初の英雄にして、最後の反逆者……!お前を倒し私は進む……くらえ!」


ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 そちらもまた英雄か……だがッ!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 我冠するは、諦めを知らぬ者の名よ……!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 侮るな、限界などいくらでも超えてやる……!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 まだだ……まだ終わりではない……ッ!」

ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 全霊をもってお前を超える……ッ!」


諦めるものか__ 我らの 約束を__

No... I cannot fail... I will not... 


ウォーリア・オブ・ライト:「 見くびるな……私は、不滅なる者……。まだ、戦える……!」

Fool! You have achieved nothing! I am immortal, and I will never surrender!


水晶公:「 捕らえたぞ……!お前も、私の「未来の」記憶ばかり気にしていたのだろう? だが、忘れるな。この塔は、過去から届いた希望だ……!

Elidibus. So fixated were you on my memories of the future, you failed to heed the lessons of the past. Your obsession blinded you to the true nature of this tower─this beacon of hope for mankind.


水晶公:「 アラグの時代、こいつは天より注ぐ力を受けるために作られた!いうなれば……特大の白聖石だ!我が民の心、そして英雄たちの心を利用してお前が得た力……その魂ごとまとめて、いただくぞッ!」

Created to serve as a reservoir for the limitless energy of the heavens! To harness and bind the boundless─not unlike white auracite! Your ill-begotten(不正に得た) power, obtained by exploiting that which is best in us... I shall have it, your soul and all!










Yes... I would become Him. I would save everyone. This I believed. Yet still they cried out, in rage and despair...  Divided─over the fate of the star. A rare occurrence, always fleeting. But not this time. Not this time...



Reconciliation(調停). Elidibus. I was needed. I withdrew myself from Zodiark. For them... My people. My brothers. ...My friends.  Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will. We will. 



The rains have ceased(終わる), and we have been graced(名誉を与えられる) with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it. 


水晶公 :「……すまない、ちょっと張り切りすぎた。この前、水晶公としてやるべきことを果たしたら、話したいことがあるって言っただろ。」

I concede, I may have overexerted myself. Steady now, and listen. I told you before that I had a plan, and that when all was said and done, I would ask a favor of you.



We have averted the Eighth Umbral Calamity. Found a way for everyone to return to the Source, and...last but not least, we have secured the future of all the people of Norvrandt. We have won, my friend. So I hope you'll forgive me this moment of selfishness. And...while I wouldn't want you to feel obliged...



Promise me you'll take me on your next adventure. A journey. Together. That's all I ask. 




   I Promiss.


    You could've asked me earlier!



If I were to tell you that this isn't the end─that we will meet again─would you believe me?



Thank you.  My friend. With you, my mind and memories shall travel to the ends of the world and beyond. But in this place shall my body stand immovable. May it serve as an undying promise, not only to those who looked to me for leadership, but to any soul who has known despair, that hope is everlasting.


__事実 そこに水晶公が立ち続けているからなのでしょう

 There the Exarch would remain, keeping his silent vigil.


 When the Scions were not released from his summoning spell,

予定どおりの方法で 帰還を試みることになりました

 we proceeded with the plan to return to the Source.


闇の戦士と呼ばれた かの人も

 The Warrior of Darkness, however,


  retained his ability to traverse the two worlds at will.


クリスタルタワーは この世界と彼を繋ぐ

 And it time the Crystal Tower became a symbol 


  of his link to the First__and of hope


アルフィノ:「 平気かい……?いろいろなことがあったのだろうけど……君の無事だって、とても大事なことだよ。」



サンクレッド:「 途中でお前がいないことに感づいたのか、俺たちの方に召喚される幻体が減ってな……早々に決着をつけて、こっちに来たんだ。……よくがんばったな、Lusie。」




ヤ・シュトラ:「 ……こんなとき、私にも超える力があればいいのにと思うわ。あなたに語らせずとも、過去を視てわかってあげられたら、どんなにいいことか……とね。」




👈 5.3-7 稀なるつわもの

   5.3-9 そして幕は下りれども 👉